it's my logo... but it didn't load. well, what it was SUPPOSED to say was MOTSDRAMA.COM: a website for and about everyone and everything.
Table of Contents


i am what some would loosely describe as an artist, and i'll post pieces im proud of here from time to time. click on the links in the table of contents to travel to a piece quickly, or scroll through the gallery and take everything in slowly. it's up to you, really.

Devil's Advocate - March 5th, 2025

Title: Devil's Advocate
Date: March 5th, 2025
Medium: Pencil in Notebook

on a particularly rough night in class, i decided to give myself the prompt, "make a poster for something that doesn't exist." i then improvised and made this poster over the course of the next class period, coming up with new ideas on the fly. i'd imagine the guy in the middle would be the protagonist, of course, and the big guy in the background is the antagonist. maybe he's his subordinate or something, and is tired of his job? that's why he's going up against him. then there's the little demons flying around his head, i sort of imagined those as the "power stars" of this theoretical game, as in, they're collectibles for progression. the two guys in the top right on the antagonist's shoulder would be his lackeys, previously the protagonist's friends, but are now being forced to put an end to his uprising efforts or whatever. the guy on the left with the overbite i imagined to be the antagonist's advisor, helping him come up with evil plans or something. the ghost lady with her head on fire and the thorn guy at the bottom i imagined as important NPCs, maybe shopkeepers or other such vital characters. then there's the different dolls on the right, those would be one step above the little demons as collectibles. you'd get them for defeating bosses, sort of like grand stars in Super Mario Galaxy. and finally, the keyring. i don't know what purpose it'd serve, it just felt right to put it there.

Head Hunters - January 27th, 2025

Title: Head Hunters
Date: January 27th, 2025
Medium: Pens in spiral notebook

ah yes, Herbie Hancock's Head Hunters. seriously one of the best jazz albums in existance, and certainly one of my favorite albums ever. i always really liked the album cover, it sort of reminds me of the type of stuff you see in LSD Dream Emulator, at least with the big yellow mask. i was thinking about it a lot one day in class, and got bored and decided to draw it. i know that the actual cover uses more of a red color for the shading, but i accidentally left my red pen at home that day and had to improvise. i kinda like how it turned out though, it gives it a pretty unique look.

Mystery Man - January 1st, 2025

Title: Mystery Man
Date: January 1st, 2025
Medium: Digital drawing in Fire Alpaca

hey, it's another Q drawing! this was the first digital drawing i did in 2025, as i was playing a lot of SF3 again and was constantly thinking about Q. i mean, he's one of my favorite characters ever, can you blame me? i'd specifically begun to learn more of his combos and tech, and as such i was thinking about his moveset a lot, so that's why that's part of the piece. he really is such a sick character, seriously.

No Crying Until The End - January 11th, 2025

Title: No Crying Until The End
Date: January 11th, 2025
Medium: Ballpoint pen in sketchbook

as stated in my words entry from last update, i replayed the Mother games fairly recently and got into a habit of drawing a LOT of fanart for them. here's one of my favorite pieces from that spree i went on, it's the Mother 1 party! plus uncle Giygas. or Giegue. Gyiyg? i swear, i never really know what to call that guy... i've always thought that Giegue was the name of his corporeal form, while Giygas is the name he takes on when he succumbs to the true evil and has to be controlled using the Devil's Machine. spoilers? maybe. i'd HOPE you've played the Mother games before, you're doing yourself a huge disservice if you havent!

Akari Hayami (Avalanche) - January 17th, 2025

Title: Akari Hayami (Avalanche)
Date: January 17th, 2025
Medium: digital drawing in FireAlpaca

one of my favorite games of all time is easily 1080 Avalanche for Gamecube, and a large part of that is the lineup of boarders. i think they're all cool and unique, and yet there's BARELY any fanart of them out there! it's a crying shame, really, so i've took it upon myself to right this wrong and do some Akari Hayami fanart. this is her alt costume, you gotta wonder how she doesn't freeze to death, snowboarding in a crop top... some friends and i decided that her sheer drive to snowboard is what keeps her warm, which is canon in my opinion.

All Tangled Up - November 21st, 2024

Title: All Tangled Up
Date: November 21st, 2024
Medium: pencil on sketchbook

yep, i'm still on my yoyo kick. what can i say? i love this stuff. it can be a bit overwhelming and difficult though, and i wanted to capture that in this. this piece features all 5 styles of yoyo, string tricks, looping, double string tricks, off string, and freehand. i think they're all super cool, and while i doubt i'll ever have the guts to learn something like 3A, i can still admire it for how awesome it is. either way, this piece was meant to show that confusion and struggle when it comes to learning new things with yoyo. i've been trying to pick up a couple new tricks myself, and it's been pretty tough.

Nanjo - November 15th, 2024

Title: Nanjo
Date: November 15th, 2024
Medium: ballpoint pens on sketchbook paper

Nanjo's always been my favorite guy in Persona 1, maybe tied with Brown. i don't really even like the "snobby rich kid" archetype at all, but i think the way they did Nanjo specifically tackled it really well. on top of that, the guy was a beast in my original playthrough, his gun just does so much damage. since beating the game for the first time i tried drawing him a couple times, but it just never turned out quite right. then, recently i've had P1 on the mind since i've been replaying it to do the snow queen quest, and decided to give drawing him another shot on a whim. and this time, it actually turned out quite well! i tried out the thick outline trick i've done a couple times in the past for this one, and i think it looks really good personally. plus, i realized i had all the exact colors of pens i needed to color him in, which was just the cherry on top.

Feisar - November 7th, 2024

Title: Feisar
Date: November 7th, 2024
Medium: ballpoint pens on sketchbook paper

drawing fanart of wipeout is hard, man. i mean, i could draw the ships, but i'm not super good at drawing big, mechanical figures like that, and i don't think they'd work in my style anyways. the only wipeouts to contain pilots that are shown outside of the ships are Wipeout 1 and Fusion, and 1 is the only one with good pilot designs. then, when i was playing Wipeout HD for my review i was writing recently, i noticed the Feisar ships in that game have this cute little bunny mascot on them, and i knew what i had to do. and like, damn dude. for not using any pencil outlines, i'm astonished with how good this turned out, ESPECIALLY the Feisar logo in the background. i have NO clue how i got it to look that perfectly circular, not only without a compass, but without any guide lines at all. that's a once in a million type thing for me, yknow?

Orbb - October 28th, 2024

Title: Orbb
Date: October 28th, 2024
Medium: digital drawing in FireAlpaca

oh Orbb, you're my favorite little thing. i'm pretty sure my introduction to Q3 was through a videoclip of Orbb i saw on tumblr once, and i've been hooked on the critter ever since. they're really tough to draw though, i remember this giving me a ton of trouble when i drew it, especially their weird metal frame. still, i think it turned out alright in the end, and the shading on the eye looks especially good in my opinion.

Stewardess - November 3rd, 2024

Title: Stewardess
Date: November 3rd, 2024
Medium: digital drawing in FireAlpaca

this is fanart of Self's song Stewardess, a recent discovery of mine. fanart of songs is always a tough beast, it's hard to portray something that's completely sonic through images, at least for me. yet sometimes when im listening to a song, a mental image just gets beamed into my head, and i instantly know what the song "looks" like. i've heard some people say that they tend to imagine theoretical music videos to songs when they're listening to them, and it's sorta like that. (i tend to do that too, admittedly) that's what happened with Stewardess, the main chorus(?) of the song has this earworm of a lyric where there's these layered vocals saying "northeastern southwest mississippi" and that just lodged itself in my head for a whole day. that ended up forming this mental image, and i had to draw it to get it out of my system.

Minimum Wage - October 6th, 2024

Title: Minimum Wage
Date: October 6th, 2024
Medium: digital drawing in FireAlpaca

here's a collection of guys i made recently. i don't really know if or what i'm gonna put them into, but i've had a lot of fun developing their personalities and designs over time. here's a rundown of each from left to right:
Chuck Marburg, a big, grumpy guy who mostly keeps to himself, preferring to handle the more physical tasks around the store.
Tack Kowalski, a tall girl who's worked at the store longer than anyone else. she isn't all that into the job itself, but it pays enough for her to not quit. she also knows pretty much everything about the job, and is tasked with training new hires whenever they're brought on.
Dymo Ratsford, a newer hire who's socially inept and really doesn't like talking with customers. unfortunately for him, he's stuck in retail because it's the only job he can reliably nail down. he usually ends up working opening shifts alongside Chuck, unloading new stock from the truck.
Lurk Davis, the manager trying to keep everyone and everything in order. she's cold, stern, and doesn't take no for an answer. she's a tough nut to crack when it comes to socializing, but she's a hard worker and definitely gets the most done out of everyone. (doesn't stop Tack from holding the fact that she's worked at the store longer than the manager over her head.)
Curie Marcel, an airheaded sales associate who tries to butter customers up with nice words and false promises in order to get more sales. unfortunately for both her and Lurk, this usually leads to unhappy return customers.
Lan Alessi, the newest hire of the bunch. she's constantly trying to prove her worth as an employee in the hopes of getting the praise and approval of her coworkers, which leads to severe burnout most of the time. she has a huge crush on Tack, but is way too socially inept to show that to her in a way she'd pick up on.
and finally, Dodge, a mysterious guy of unknown origin. no one, not even Tack or Lurk, knows where he came from. he just randomly showed up on the schedule one day, kicked ass at sales, and he's been a regular employee ever since. he calls himself Dodge, but that isn't his real name, and he refuses to divulge that information. he plays dumb for the most part, but there have been some hints he knows more than he lets on...

Chell doodle - October 1st, 2024

Title: Chell doodle
Date: October 1st, 2024
Medium: pencil drawing in sketchbook

you know, Chell has such a simple design, yet i always struggle to draw her. i think its the jumpsuit wrapped around her waist? i've always had a hard time with that. or maybe it's the long fall boots, i don't know. as you can tell, this is unfinished, so i guess i gave in to that struggle at a certain point. same goes for wheatley, now that i think about it. he's just a sphere, but it's a... strangely complex sphere, yknow?

Pikmin Redesigns - September 22nd, 2024

Title: Pikmin Redesigns
Date: September 22nd, 2024
Medium: digital drawing in FireAlpaca

there was a tumblr post i saw a while ago that redesigned the pikmin to give them features more fitting of their attributes, and it always stuck with me. i was playing pikmin 1 again when i drew this, and it made me think about that post again. i wanted to try my hand at it, and i made sure to not look at the original post again, to avoid accidentally copying it or the like. how'd i do? well... i'll let you decide.

TMBG Colorwheel - September 18th, 2024

Title: They Might Be Giants Colorwheel
Date: September 18th, 2024
Medium: digital drawing in FireAlpaca

i had to do a color wheel for art class recently, and the main draw was that i had to theme it to something. so i decided, "hey, i like They Might Be Giants, i could just theme it to that!" so each segment is based on a certain TMBG song, loosely connected via color. here are the songs in clockwise order:
1985 Demo Tape - Become A Robot
Miscellaneous T - Hey Mr. DJ, I Thought You Said We Had A Deal
Long Tall Weekend - Album cover
The Spine - Damn Good Times
Apollo 18 - Fingertips
They Might Be Giants - (She Was A) Hotel Detective
Here Comes Science - Album cover
The Spine - Experimental Film
Severe Tire Damage - Dr. Worm
Lincoln - They'll Need A Crane
Mink Car - Cyclops Rock
Mink Car - Bangs
Flood - We Want A Rock
John Henry - Snail Shell
The Spine Surfs Alone - Skullivan
Nanobots - Nanobots

Knuckle Sandwich - November 29th, 2023

Title: Knuckle Sandwich
Date: November 29th, 2023
Medium: digital drawing in FireAlpaca

i drew this a while ago, but i think it's probably one of my favorite things i've ever drawn. Knuckle Sandwich was awesome when i played it and it was absolutely worth the half-decade we had to wait for it. i drew this shortly after finishing it, and my goal was to make a poster for the game. i remember the logo taking me a while to get right, i had to do some fancy tricks to make it work in the end.

Sabitsuki - October 14th, 2023

Title: Sabitsuki
Date: October 14th, 2023
Medium: ink pens in sketchbook

i was playing a lot of Yume Nikki Online when i drew this, and i think it's one of my favorite doodles i've ever done. shading colors in traditional art poses a big problem for me whenever i try to do it, mostly since i have a very limited selection of colors, yet i think my method of doing so here worked out pretty well, layering several colors of rust-adjacent colors to get a reddish-orange.

Dash Puncher - February 23rd, 2024

Title: Q (Dash Punch)
Date: February 23rd, 2024
Medium: digital drawing in FireAlpaca

Q is my favorite Street Fighter 3 character, but... man, he's really hard for me to draw personally, he just always looks off somehow. this was the first drawing i ever did of him where i finished it and thought, "hey, that looks pretty much right!" so i think that's worth something. the pose he's doing here is that of his dash punch from third strike, a really fun move that i like a lot. it's not especially good, but oh man it feels so good to land it when you do.

Shopping Mall - August 10th, 2024

Title: Shopping Mall
Date: August 10th, 2024
Medium: digital drawing over digital photo

i've always loved the idea of drawing over a real photograph, and i wanted to try that out here. so i went to a parking lot in my town, snapped a few pictures, and took to Firealpaca to draw someone there. and let me say, it's shockingly difficult to get it to look right! you really need to nail the angles and shading to make it look good, otherwise it's just gonna look really wonky. trust me, i would know!

Colette Green - September 6th, 2024

Title: Colette Green
Date: September 5th, 2024
Medium: pencil in sketchbook

i really want to like Half-Life, but every time ive tried to play it, i just get stuck, frustrated or bored. that doesn't mean i can't enjoy the idea of it though, i've watched a ton of playthroughs of all the different games, expansion packs and mods, and i've always had a soft spot for Half-Life Decay, the PS2 exclusive co-op campaign. Colette and Gina are such old ladies but that's kind of why i like them.

John Henry - May 3rd, 2024

Title: John Henry
Date: May 3rd, 2024
Medium: ink pens in sketchbook

hey, it's one of my favorite albums ever! i've always liked this cover, it's so unlike anything else TMBG ever did or would ever do, and it stands out super hard because of that. album cover redraws are usually kind of boring to me, but this one was especially fun since i did it with my limited palette of pen colors. it made making certain colors more of an interesting challenge, and i think the scratchy, messy outcome looks pretty cool.